How to reduce your ecological impact when traveling?

Do you want to reduce your ecological impact when traveling without compromising your desire for adventure? At home and on the road, our choices and behaviors have an impact on the environment. Whether it is through the food and water we consume, the products we buy or the waste and the carbon dioxide we reject, our journey on Earth leaves traces. A great trip is not an excuse to let go of one’s responsibilities, on the contrary. Several ways have been imagined to relieve both the Earth and your consciousness.


3 Ways to Reduce your ecological impact when traveling

Drinking water

In some parts of the world, water quality is a daily concern for travelers who want to maintain their health. It is tempting to consume only bottled water to minimize the risks that would never be consumed at home. However, it is possible to add a treatment to sanitize the water: disinfectant pellets, chlorination, microfiltration, UV treatment, straw-filter, etc. Sometimes you have to consider the availability of freshwater in a particular place. Taking a shower daily does not have the same impact in Iceland as in the Sahara. A good strategy is to align its practices and consumption with the local population, for a while.


The food

The way we eat has multiple impacts on the environment. Agriculture not only occupies a large area but also consumes a lot of fresh water, fossil fuels and often chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides that have a lasting impact on soils and surface water. Added to this is the processing, transport and distribution of food that often requires water and energy at all stages.

To reduce its environmental footprint to level the power, you are advised to eat fruits and local vegetables and season, favoring a diet low in meat and fish and avoiding prepared and overpackaged dishes. Finally, you can minimize the waste of food by never ordering more than necessary and always having a container with you to win the leftover food.



At home and on the road, travelers can adopt effective reduction strategies inspired by the zero-waste approach, in this order:

  • Refuse anything that is not useful to you, that you do not intend to keep or use. If it is a gift and it would be wrong to refuse it, consider giving it as a gift further down the road, to keep the gift chain alive and happy.
  • Reduce the content of your backpack by deliberately choosing your material, with durable and versatile objects. Also reduce packaging by refueling at markets, halls, bulk warehouses and organic stores. Consider renting or borrowing equipment rather than buying it if you use it very occasionally
  • Reuse containers, bottles and bags that you could not do without. Go to washable and reusable hygienic products (cups, napkins, tissues). Always have your flask or goblet with you.
  • Recycle to the extent of local infrastructure. Remind yourself that these sometimes differ greatly from those you are accustomed to and value upcycling projects with a social purpose.
  • Compost where possible your organic waste.


We were on a trip recently, exploring San Francisco California. We noticed while site seeing throughout the city, a towing company that was working really hard to reduce its environmental impact on the environment. San Francisco Bay Area Towing was really working on their vehicles to reduce emissions. If you visit their site at, they talk about their vehicles and some of the precautionary measures they take to protect the future of this planet, while providing their valuable services to San Francisco CA.

If you travel year around, you should know that traveling in winter is best for the environment because not as many people are traveling. The pollution in the air is not as critical; so the environment has an easier time of consuming the greenhouse gases. As far as an ecological impact, you will be inside more often, so there wont be as much happening in the outside environment.


Women Traveling Alone Important Safety Tips

It would be unrealistic to treat women and men in the context of travel the same. Women traveling alone are more often affected by differences in social relations and local religious beliefs. However, the attention you give the male does not mean that the situation is problematic in itself. You sometimes attract male attention in your country of origin without there being an attack on your safety! As a woman traveling alone, it is possible that you arouse more a sincere curiosity than sexual desire. This is not a reason to put yourself in a vulnerable position.


  • Wear a wedding ring This old thing still works, although it is less effective than formerly, change of manners obliges.
  • The padded bra replaces the wallet belt. Remove the stuffing, put your tickets! Be careful, however, to remain credible.
  • Traveling light makes you less vulnerable. You will be better able to react to problems and will generally be less targeted as a tourist.
  • Make sure of the meaning of an invitation before accepting. At the slightest doubt, refuse. Nothing prevents you to change your mind.


Dress codes for a woman on a trip

Dress codes are the most visible reflection of the culture of a region. Whether for religious reasons or simply for the maintenance of social order, the choice of clothing takes a particular dimension for women traveling alone both in terms of intercultural sensitivity and for simple security reasons. The social rules are sometimes even framed by the laws, which oblige the wearing of the veil or of an outfit judged decent. We do not laugh with the police of good morals! As an indication, note that the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, South Asia (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and North Africa (especially Algeria and Egypt) are considered very conservative regarding women’s clothing.

It would be tedious and quickly outdated to describe dress codes appropriate to each country or region of the world. In addition, you will need to be judgmental: it is not because local girls are discovering their shoulders or wearing miniskirts that it is appropriate, respectful, or cautious for you to do so. But the opposite is also true, foreigners then forming a kind of “third sex” for which certain behaviors or dress codes are tolerated … If few travelers walk alone in the region, you will attract curious glances, even from the women traveling alone!

Finally, if you travel a long time, you will begin choosing some essential clothes; which will be useful in the majority of the countries you will visit. You will then need to supplement your outfit with some pieces bought on site, following the advice of local women or expatriates.

Winter or summer holidays? Which one do you prefer?

Hot, sunny weather against cold, snowing weather. Which one do you really prefer and should you consider when planning your holiday? There are people that know which type of weather they prefer and they are making sure that they are making bookings in the country that is offering them the weather that they prefer. However, there are people that are traveling for the first time, that doesn’t really know which weather they should consider. With this information, you will be able to decide which one you should consider: Winter or summer.

The activities that you want to try at your holiday

Some people prefer going skiing and enjoying the activities of the snowing countries that they can experience at home. However, some are preferring the beach, sun and water activities over snowing and feeling cold all the time.

You should consider what type of activities you want to experience on your holiday. This will give you an idea of the weather and the place you should consider going to.

Why do people prefer cold snowing weather?

A question that you might be asking is why so many people prefer the cold snowing weather. The main reason is that the people that are going on holiday during the winter months, is because they are living in a warm, sunny country and want to experience something different.

The same goes for those people that are preferring the summer, beach holidays. They are living in the colder parts of the country and going to the beach isn’t just an option for them.

Things you can do and experience with a summer holiday

When you are wondering if a summer holiday is a right holiday for you, then you should look at the activities that a summer holiday is offering you. There are some great benefits of a summer holiday, but there are some negative things that you should also consider.

With summer holidays, you will be able to enjoy the sun, the outdoors and nature. However, it can get really hot in some parts during the summer time.

How do you choose the season for your next trip?

Most people know what season they want to plan their next trip to. However, you should consider changing the season for one holiday. You will not know how it is feeling to have a different season holiday if you don’t d try it. You should make sure that you are doing research about the two main seasons so that you can know if you will have a great time at the destination or not.

Winter and Summer holidays. They are so different. Not only in the type of weather that you can experience, but also in the activities that you can do during the seasons. You should make sure that you know what type of season you want to plan your next trip at. And, consider making a change. Try doing the opposite type of season holiday, this year.